Invisalign queries answered

Do you want to achieve a straighter smile without wearing a metal brace?


At Dental Rooms, we are proud to be able to offer our suitable patients Invisalign Wimbledon, which can straighten your smile without drawing attention to your teeth. Great!

Here, our team answers 5 of the most commonly searched questions relating to Invisalign Wimbledon.

Are invisible aligners better than braces?

This is a very tricky question to answer; on the one hand, Invisalign Wimbledon offers patients a discreet, removable aligner that can straighten their teeth in a matter of months without adjustments or tightening being needed.

But traditional braces can be more versatile and customised to correct difficult orthodontic cases. So, if you have a molar tooth or teeth that are misaligned, our team may suggest a fitted brace to correct this as opposed to a clear aligner, as using a clear aligner would simply be a waste of time.

Our team considers the correct appliance for each person’s unique clinical case and so, there are no ‘better’ solutions to straighten your teeth as it is all about suitability.

Can you smoke with invisible aligners?

You can, but we would generally advise against it.

Why? Because the nicotine in cigarettes can cause the plastic that the aligners are made from to stain, making them more visible when you smile, talk or open your mouth. Not exactly the discreet appliance you desire!

But smoking also causes a myriad of issues with your gum and tooth health; it causes yellowing of the teeth, inflammation of the gums and heightens the risk of you developing oral cancer. So, if you are looking to straighten your smile and want to give up smoking, talk to our team about help with smoking cessation.

How long do invisible aligners take?

This depends on how severe the misalignment is that they are correcting and if you stick to the prescription.

On average, invisible aligners take between 3-6 months for people who have a mild case of dental misalignment, but for those with a few more complications, it can take over a year. Also, our team recommends that you keep your aligners in for a minimum of 22 hours per day to achieve the desired results. If you don’t stick to this, your teeth may stop moving or even relapse into their former positions.

So, keep them in your mouth and be sure to time yourself when they are out!

Are invisible aligners expensive?

Most orthodontic treatments as an adult are going to cause concern about the cost and, while we understand that the cost of invisible aligners may seem steep, our team at Dental Rooms can offer suitable patients financing options, to help you break down the cost into affordable monthly payments.

Are invisible aligners worth it?

Invisible aligners offer a subtle way to straighten teeth without the pressure and discomfort that can come from other techniques, and do so in an accelerated time frame.

The results are no different from those achieved with regular braces and so, your new smile can last a lifetime. Do we think they are worth it? Yes, we do! So call us today for more information about invisible aligners.