Dreaming of White Christmas? How to make your teeth white in time for Holidays?

With the holidays just around the corner, a brighter smile is on many people’s wish lists, but choosing the right method is important.

The most effective option is professional teeth whitening treatment. Unlike over-the-counter products, at Dental Rooms, our dentists use high-quality professional strength products, achieving excellent results safely. Before recommending this procedure, we examine your teeth carefully to ensure treatment is appropriate and will achieve the desired results.

How do we define Teeth Whitening?

 Let’s start from the basics. It’s all in the name. Tooth whitening simply means making your teeth as white as they should naturally be or whiter, usually by removing long standing stains or by other means which would probably make this definition too long.

At Dental Rooms, we aspire to provide you with the best whitening treatment. It can be beneficial for removal of stains or to treat you to whiter teeth for a special event.

So while anyone can whiten their teeth, the process will vary based on a number of factors –from how badly discoloured the teeth are, how soon you want to see results or how long you want the results to last to simply postponing teeth whitening due to mouth related diseases or pregnancy. Your best dentists in Wimbledon-Dental Rooms can help you with the whole process, which would be tailored to suit you personally including deciding if and when you can do it at home.

Can I eat and drink anything during whitening?

This next part may break a few hearts but certain foods must be avoided during the period of teeth whitening. Some of them include strawberry, black tea or soda, black coffee, snacks with powdered cheese, tomato or red sauce, blueberries, chocolate, red wine, and others you can confirm from your dentist but yes, no pain no gain.

Professional whitening or DIY whitening?

The best option is to get your teeth whitened by a dental expert, one qualified to provide this work. At Dental Rooms, we know how the procedure works and can guide you through the whole process from start to finish in a safe manner, including providing you with plenty of information and making sure you are dentally fit before the treatment.

A quick search for teeth whitening online will reveal a huge number of DIY kits, a Google search is not enough to do whitening.DIY are meant to be purchased and used at home. They can be way cheaper sometimes. Don’t be fooled by the glowing reviews, a large number of those products can be dangerous and are not tested properly;they can lead to some serious teeth or gum related concerns.

Contact your dentist for advice. Book your Dental examination with Dental Rooms now.

What Whitening system do we use at Dental Rooms?

At Dental Rooms, Wimbledon Village we use, Philips Zoom whitening system. We offer both in –chair and Home kit for whitening. The name fits its description. It is much faster and you would be done in less than 2 hours. Perfect for a quick fix but it only makes your teeth about 2-6 shades lighter and lasts roughly about a year.

As with every new treatment, you would be right to guess that there are side effects. Provided it was done professionally, your teeth may just be very sensitive to hot or cold water or have a slight ache but it should all resolve on its own.

How often can you do whitening?

There’s also the issue of frequency. Teeth whitening can start to take its toll on your teeth if you do it too much, and at some point, you risk harming their integrity. Any good dentist will warn you about that though, and they’ll never allow you to get treated multiple times in a row if the frequency of the procedures is becoming too unsafe. It’s a good idea to consult your dentist about this in advance if you are planning to get your teeth whitened for a special occasion – it’s not nice to find out that the procedure will be too risky when you’ve already made arrangements for the event.

As long as you get it done by a dental professionals like us, who know what they’re doing and have a good reputation in Wimbledon Village, teeth whitening can be a great way to enhance your smile and help you gain more confidence in your everyday life.

Please remember we are best teeth whitening providers in Wimbledon Village and you can verify it by looking at our Google reviews and patient testimonials on the website. Don’t hesitate to call us on 020 8946 2426 or drop us an email at reception@dentalrooms.co.uk.

If you mention you have read this blog, we will give you a discount of £100 on your teeth whitening. (T&C apply)

You can also purchase Whitening gift vouchers for your friends and family, an ideal gift for sparkly white teeth.